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Dealing with people
Not drugs

Most of the estimated 30 million Americans who are currently suffering from various forms of addiction work full time in a wide range of professions. No business or industry, regardless of its size or stature, is completely immune to the challenges posed by addiction among its workforce. Dreadnought Consultancy has developed a comprehensive approach to addressing this significant issue that invites thoughtful and nuanced questions: What actions can managers and supervisors take to improve the chances of a talented employee returning to a satisfactory and sustainable level of productivity? How can they effectively relate to individuals grappling with challenges that may seem unrelatable to them? Is there a meaningful difference between drug abuse and drug addiction, and how can this distinction impact workplace dynamics? Dreadnought offers business leaders invaluable experience in effectively cultivating a healthy and productive work environment. We not only provide a professional understanding of these pertinent issues but also share a personal perspective gained from thousands of hours spent volunteering with individuals struggling with addiction. We deliver this essential service through three main avenues:

  • Substance Abuse Consulting for Business

    • Substance abuse policies

    • State-specific consulting

    • Employee evaluation

    • Treatment consulting

    • Typically for small businesses

  • Workshops & Webinars

    • Can be tailored to your business, industry, or interest

    • Specialized & unique content

    • For Trade or Management Associations, Medium, & Large Businesses

  • Speaking Engagements

    • Unique Subject Matter

    • Memorable Delivery

    • Affordable

    • Available on short notice